
May 13, 2015

99 Days - Katie Cotugno

May 13, 2015
99 Days
by Katie Cotugno
Series: Standalone
Publication: HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray on April 21, 2015
Format: Hardcover, 376 pages
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction

Jacket copy:
Day 1: Julia Donnelly eggs my house my first night back in Star Lake, and that's how I know everyone still remembers everything - how I destroyed my relationship with Patrick the night everything happened with his brother, Gabe.  How I wrecked their whole family.  Now I'm serving out my summer like a jail sentence: Just ninety-nine days till I can leave for college and be done.
Day 4: A nasty note on my windshield makes it clear Julia isn't finished.  I'm expecting a fight when someone taps me on the shoulder, but it's just Gabe, home from college and actually happy to see me.  "For what it's worth, Molly Barlow," he says, "I'm really glad you're back."
Day 12: Gabe got me to come to this party and I'm actually having fun.  I think he's about to kiss me - and that's when I see Patrick.  My Patrick, who's supposed to be clear across the country.  My Patrick, who's never going to forgive me.
Eighty-seven days of summer to go, and history is repeating itself.  The last thing I want is to come between the Donnelly brothers again . . . but the truth is, the Donnellys stole my heart a long time ago.

After hearing so much mixed feedback from readers of 99 Days by Katie Cotugno, I knew I had to get a copy to quell my curiosity and pick sides.


I honestly cannot fathom the opposite side of the spectrum: the extreme praise.  I don't understand why certain readers love the book so much, as, quite frankly, I didn't . . . not so much.

The writing itself, Katie Cotugno's craft, is okay.  It's quite good actually.  Under different circumstances, I do think I would enjoy another work of Cotugno's more.  The book was interesting enough to get into, and although at times I was tempted to stop reading, I couldn't.  Cotugno knows how to keep the reader stringed along until the end.

What I didn't like was the story itself.  And at times, the characters.  If a reader finds both the storyline and the characters unbearable, well, that can never be a good combination.

The reader is introduced to Molly on day one of her being back in town for the summer.  You soon find out that things got messy between Molly and the Donnellys the last time she was in Star Lake.  So, as you can imagine, Molly isn't too thrilled about her homecoming - not in the least.  Throughout the summer, Molly constantly has to live out her "jail time."  Though there are two people at fault for went went down, only Molly's being slapped on the label of the "town slut."  As a reader, I found this extremely frustrating, as it took the entire book for people to realize, "Hey! Maybe it's not ONLY Molly's fault!"  

And as for the main character, Molly Barlow, she's really something.  Like the situation at hand, Molly is also downright frustrating.  I felt as if she learned nothing from page one to the final page.  Take heed of the jacket copy: "...and history is repeating itself."  Yeah, seriously, though.  It is.  Even though Molly's being viciously attacked, she decides to go ahead and continue doing what she was slammed with in the first place.

I felt as if NOTHING REALLY HAPPENED in 99 days.  Molly, the Donnellys, the whole town of Star Lake is just chasing each other around in circles.

Yet at the end of the book, I couldn't bring myself to absolutely hate it, as there were a few redeeming qualities.  Like I said, Katie Cotugno really knows how to string readers along and (take my review for example), stir up emotion in you.

author image

Julia Anne

I'm a teen with a refined taste for good books and great writing, currently living in Honolulu, HI. I'm a reader. A dreamer. And an aspirant writer. One day I have hopes to travel the world, but for now, I'll settle with venturing through the written works I read.


  1. I thought it would be interesting, to be honest but after reading your review I'm not so sure. If I don't like a main character, then I'm probably not going to like the book. Also the redundancy, as you mentioned, would probably make me go crazy in anger because if it goes nowhere, then what's the point, right?

    1. Well, it was still . . . interesting. (Haha.) But not really my kind of book. And yes, like you said, it's definitely difficult to enjoy a book without also being in love with the main character, but maybe you'll have a different opinion than mine. I don't want to completely turn you away from the book, (though I admit) it is a bit on the redundant side.

      Thanks for the comment!

      Julia Anne

  2. I have been hearing some mixed feedback on this one too Julia Anne, but I think I'm going to give it a miss. It sounds like it could have been really interesting, so it's a shame that nothing really actually...happens the entire book. :| Thank you for sharing your thoughts though! xx

    1. My intention is never to turn someone completely away from a book, however, I suppose certain reads, as this one, isn't for everyone. I have to admit I was expecting a bit more out of this read.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment, Zoe!

      Julia Anne

  3. Oh it's shame that you didn't like this one Julia Anne! I have read a lot of mixed things about this one myself and haven't picked it up yet but I do plan to soon so I can see what it's all about.

    I hope your next read is better, hun <33

    1. Hey, Melanie! Thanks for the comment. I hope you'll enjoy this read more than I did. I'll be looking forward to your review!

      Julia Anne

  4. This book really pulls at my fidelity beliefs. Infidelity just makes me sooo uncomfortable. The writing was fair, but I agree. Basically nothing happened in this book. The characters were okay, except the main character who royally pissed me off. I do respect how Cotugno wrote about the double standard that women face when they cheat as opposed to men who aren't as sorely treated. Great review!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. I totally agree, Rachel! I almost DNF this book because, as you said, the cheating and MOLLY. 99 Days was just a frustrating read for me.

      Thanks for visiting the blog and for leaving a comment!

      Julia Anne

  5. I was on the fence about reading this book in the first place. I really cannot stand cheat in books/movies/real life/etc. so I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it. But a book where yet another blogger dislikes the characters and says nothing happens? I think I'll pass on this one. Very helpful review!

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

    1. Hey, Dreams! Thank you for the comment.

      Yes, unfortunately this wasn't a favorite read of mine. If you cannot stand cheating, well then, you should probably stay away from this one . . . there's quite a bit of it.

      Julia Anne


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